Glenn Close – talent wins out



Glenn Close is getting rave reviews for her role in The Wife, co-starring Jonathan Pryce, with hopes she might break her run as most-nominated-but-never-won at the Oscars. Though she has many other awards for Broadway, film and TV performances.

She was born 19 March 1947 2.12 pm Greenwich, Connecticut, with a medical father who worked in the Congo; and when she was 7 her parents became devotees of the Moral Rearmament cult, which trapped her in a restrictive childhood. She and her three other siblings were effectively separated and abandoned to MRA nannies as her mother and father went on pilgrimages round the world, settling the family eventually at the MRA headquarters in Switzerland. Glenn escaped when she was 21 but their fractured upbringing had a devastating effect on her younger sister Jessie who had a tumultuous life subsequently and was diagnosed late as bi-polar. There was a history of schizophrenia and suicide in the family.

Glenn herself has a challenging and difficult chart with an 8th house Pisces Sun and an 8th house Mars in Pisces square Uranus. Her Sun does trine a 4th house Jupiter which is also square her Aquarius Moon which will make it easier for her to be forgiving of her parents, which she seems to be. She has the bleak Pluto Saturn in Leo just above her Leo Ascendant, so although she’s flashy in one way, she comes across as enigmatic and quite forbidding. Her Pluto is doubly emphasised being the driving planet from an Air Grand Trine of Uranus to Neptune to Venus, so she’ll be able to detach herself from difficult feelings but be powerfully persuasive at the same time. Not a lady to be pushed around.

Her 7th house Moon Venus in Aquarius and 4th house Jupiter will make her yearn for an affectionate and supportive partnership and home life but she’s been married and divorced four times. Perhaps a result, not only of the other challenges of her chart, but also because her Sun/Moon midpoint is conjunct her volcanic 8th house Mars.

Her creative 5th and 7th Harmonics are strong as is her actress’s 15H.

She shows no signs of slowing down and with tr Pluto conjunct her Mars/Jupiter till late this year she will be on a roll; and her confidence gets an extra lift from tr Jupiter through her 5th till autumn 2019. She’ll be even more on a high in the early 2020s with tr Pluto sextile her Jupiter and conjunct her Sun/Jupiter midpoint. But she’ll also have a fairly radical change of direction picking up next year as tr Uranus starts to move across her midheaven.

2 thoughts on “Glenn Close – talent wins out

  1. Interesting how many very talented actors have been brought up in cults or cult like environments. I guess one has to learn how to observe and read people on those surroundings, as well as “mold” ones behavior accordingly.

    Also, since Glenn Close’s sister was mentioned, I would also strech out that while many mental disorders are caused by issues in “nurture” or traumatic experiences, these seem to play a minor role in development of bipolar disorder. There seems to be a strong hereditary factor to it, although not always in direct line. I know several people who were first in their family to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and had others in family diagnosed once they made the connection. Also, sadly, two occasions in which bipolar person’s aunt or uncle had committed suicide young, and their family was now convinced they had had untreated bipolar disorder. And not a personal acquantance, but a none the less friend of a friend whose bipolar disorder was treated as schizophrenia as late as in 1990’s. I don’t even know how this would happen, but apparently, they were treating her depression with a drug that can cause hallusinations, and the doctor was sloppy. So, pumped full of antipsychotics unneccesarily and halting her academic career for years (she now has a PhD).

    • Joachim Phoenix, Rose McGowan, Winona Ryder are among the actors who grew up in cults, and maybe more? Acting must give a great release, and Glenn Close has that strong 8th House that Marjorie finds in performers. If you read about the Moral Realignment, it sounds like a very idealistic group with noble ideas, although they incorrectly thought you could force change on people and the world. A group of us who went to boarding school with Glenn’s sister Jesse saw no signs that she was bipolar, but rather, she had the signs of neglect and having been raised to be cut off from peers. By that time, her father was the personal physician to the president of the Congo. It would appear that the parents made their causes more important than their children. Dr. Close was a prominent physician who treated an ebola outbreak in the 60s. Unfortunately, American treatments for mental health issues are very inaccurate and they haven’t made the progress the way other branches of medicine have.

      Hoping Glenn can finally win an Oscar. Her early films like The Big Chill and The World According to Garp featured solid motherly, trustworthy types. Then she amazingly changed her clean image by playing Alex Forrest in Fatal Attraction. Truly a great actress!!

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