11 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Marjorie

    Any chance of an analysis of the chart of recently deceased nobel laureate VS Naipul 17/08/1932 to 11/08/2018.

    A life not short on controversy particularly in his books about post colonial societies.

  2. Hi Marjorie,
    I love your site here, columns, books!
    I was thinking since the 2 seminal events of the 21st Century so far were located in NYC,
    1. 9/11; 2. The collapse of Lehman Brothers on 9/15/2008, is there anything on the horizon
    re NYC Chart/s that would/could have similar global repercussions?
    (Suppose the Election of Donald Trump similarly as he accepted his Election victory in the New York Hilton on 11/8/2016).
    Thank you if you look into and have a nice weekend!

    • Not in terms of 9/11 or Lehman – at those points both had multiple transiting planets in Mutable signs. NY Inc has Neptune Pluto in Gemini and four planets in Sagittarius some of which were being rattled on both these occasions.
      However there is tr and Solar Arc Saturn moving to hit the NY Capricorn Sun square Jupiter late this year and through 2019. I’ll look tomorrow to see what happened when there was similar previously.

  3. Hi;

    can you tell, by their natal charts, why Steve Jobs and his now widow,
    Laurene Powell, were more compatible than his first girlfriend (mother of his first daughter, Lisa)?

    Thank you!

    • See 3rd August. There’ll be more to come since several European banks are at risk as well as other knock on effects. Will see how it develops.

  4. Hi
    Would you please give us some insight as to why Canada and Saudi Arabia are at such odds. Canada’s meddling and Saudi rulers is over the top in reactionary response.

    Thanks Jan

  5. Marjorie,

    Our Democratic U.S. Senator Bill Nelson just claimed that Russian operatives have “penetrated” the election system here in Florida. This has been making headlines and it’s being reported in all of the major news outlets.

    Senator Bill Nelson is considered to be one of the most vulnerable Democrats in the US Senate and analysts are predicting the Florida Senate race to be the most expensive race in the country.

    I was wondering if you had any astrological insights regarding Senator Bill Nelson’s prospects for this November. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find a birth time for Nelson. However, I do know he was born September 29, 1942 in Miami, Florida. I did write Senator Nelson’s son on Facebook (he and I are members of the same Democrat groups) as well as a few campaign volunteers (who know Nelson personally) I’m friends with and asked if they knew Nelson’s birth time…but nobody seems to know.

    I was wondering if you saw any possible interference (like from a foreign or devious source) in Nelson’s natal chart for November. I was told that having something like “transiting Pluto” in one’s natal chart could be an indicator something ominous.

    Anyway, any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated. And again, thank you so much for sharing your astrological insights with us and for all you do.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

    • He looks set back on his heels a touch with tr Saturn square his Libra Sun Mars at the election and just beyond. So certainly aggravated. But he’s got a couple of lucky fairly minor Jupiters as well and is certainly powering ahead in 2019/2020.
      If there is chicanery I’d tend to look for Neptune. Pluto can certainly be frustrating and dis-empowering. But he’s got neither of those.

      • That is interesting. However, when looking at Rick Scott’s chart for November – My Mother (who also does astrology) noticed that Jupiter will be going into Sagittarius. It will be hitting his Mercury and his Sun. Rick Scott’s Sun is in the second house and Leo rules his tenth house. Scott also has Pluto in the tenth house.

        I imagine that all of that would give Rick Scott a tremendous amount of luck (both financially and career-wise). I was wondering you would interpret this.

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