The House of Trump – kids coping with the Ego



Would Trump refuse to be photographed beside his middle daughter because she wasn’t up to his feminine ideal of physical perfection? Perish the thought. Hissy fits all round as a contrite presidential personal assistant exits stage left after transgressing confidentiality protocols at a media dinner.

Tiffany is the only child by Trump’s middle wife Marla Maples, which liaison only lasted a few years, separating when Tiffany was three and divorcing two years later. She was born 13 October 1993 at 12.50pm West Palm Beach, Florida and was brought up by her mother in California.

She’s a confident and lucky Sun Jupiter in Libra in her 10th trine Saturn and square Uranus Neptune in Capricorn in her 1st; with Moon Venus in Virgo. From her chart her father comes across as indulgent though also highly strung and erratic. Their synastry is fairly terrible with her Mars in vengeful Scorpio square his Pluto and her Pluto square his Mars; but her Sun Jupiter falls in his 2nd conjunct his Jupiter and trine his Sun – so money will win out.

Their relationship chart isn’t great – but then none of his with his children are, not surprising given how difficult living with a super-narcissist is – with hers having a frustrating and enraging dominate-and-submit Mars Pluto conjunction in an explosive opposition to Uranus; with an affectionate Sun Venus in an enthusiastic sextile to Jupiter and an elusive square to Neptune; plus a cold Moon opposition Saturn.

The other kids have similar cross overs with their father. Donald Junior has possibly the least awful connection with him and even he gets riled with his Mars in Leo conjunct Pa’s 12th house Pluto; but Don Junior’s Pluto is conjunct Pa’s 2nd house Jupiter so money trumps all again. Plus Don Junior’s Jupiter in late Gemini soothes Pa’s Sun. Their relationship chart has an upbeat composite Mars Jupiter and less Pluto power struggling than the other children.

Ivanka, of course, has her own cross to bear but manages to slide out from under most of the wrath with her ethereal and illusory Venus Neptune conjunct Pa’s Moon and opposition his Sun. And her ambitious-for-success-and-status Jupiter Pluto will also relish being one of his spawn. Though it comes at a price since her Scorpio Sun squares his Pluto and her Uranus squares his Mars so she’ll have to suppress a great deal of inner irritation and rage. Their relationship chart is archetypally battened down with a teeth-gritting composite Sun, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Uranus conjunct Pluto. So a monumental strain despite the sweet smiles.

The relationship chart with Barron shows the same mix of affection, indulgence, unpredictability and anger. His kids are obviously to a degree fond of him, very fond of his position and money and he isn’t so monstrous any have felt the urge to flee the comfortable nest and strike out on their own.

Pic: Ali Shaker/VOA