Arron Banks – a spot of legal bother



Arron Banks, a principal donor to the campaign to leave the EU, is facing a criminal inquiry after the Electoral Commission referred him and others to The National Crime Agency over suspected offences in the referendum campaign. The watchdog said it suspected Mr Banks was not the “true source” of loans to the campaign and the money had come “from impermissible sources”. Under UK law, loans and donations to registered campaigners can only come from permissible sources, which essentially excludes overseas or foreign funding. There are hot and supercilious denials from the Banks’ camp; and a twitter storm from Remainers who say Brexit should be delayed until the matter is fully investigated.

Banks born 22 March 1966 in Norwich, England, with his father a sugar-plantation manager in Africa largely absent, was expelled as a teenager from two schools, once for “an accumulation of offences”, including the sale of lead stolen from the roofs of school buildings and “high-spirited bad behaviour.” He’s been married twice, the second time to a Russian. His financial and commercial career has accrued him around £100 million, though it’s been littered with litigation and allegations of tax avoidance (see Wiki). In the run up to the Brexit referendum and Trump’s election he had several meetings with high-level Russians.

He has a go-ahead, combative and impulsive Aries Sun conjunct Mars and probably Moon also in Aries; with Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto square Jupiter in Gemini – innovative, chaotic, determined, lucky, scattered. His Neptune is opposition the North Node in Taurus which often gets embroiled in financial tangles and is trine Saturn. His Sun and Mercury are both conjunct his hard-edged Mars/Saturn midpoint.

For all his bravado in the face of a criminal inquiry he does have tr Pluto picking up the exact square to his Uranus/Neptune now till mid-December which is calamitous, loss-making and suggests he’ll have to give way. And a setback tr Saturn square his Sun/Mars exactly now, moving on to square his Mars in mid this December, so generally bad-tempered and confused. Tr Pluto is ploughing through heavy seas in 2019/20 as it hits two of his Saturn and one Uranus midpoint. With moments of high insecurity in May 2019 and then great relief a month later. Tr Neptune is also opposing his Uranus Pluto on and off till late 2019, before moving on to square two of his heavier Saturn midpoints in 2020/21 which doesn’t look reassuring.

He’s wriggled out of a fair few tight corners in his life and is no doubt gambling that this time round won’t be any different. On the other hand his 10th Harmonic – the rise and fall fickle-finger-of-fate-one is strongly aspected.

His relationship charts with both Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage look v strained at the moment.