Conspiracy Theorists – a scary world split into Us and Them



An epidemic of conspiracy theories is another sign of our time. Mass shootings become ‘false flags’ staged by governments. Teenage survivors telling their stories are dubbed crisis-actors. Attempts to censor these delusional rants are taken as proof of a conspiracy to bury the truth.

Mob hysteria, or Mass Psychogenic Illness (MPI), has always been around, with a superstitious, fearful and powerless peasantry in days gone by susceptible to the spread of wild ideas. But it does seem to be worse at the moment, in part fuelled by an anti-government streak in the American psyche; as well as in other countries where governments undoubtedly do get up to no good.

The internet provides a welcoming series of echo chambers where lone wolves can meet kindred spirits, so the critical mass rises as they reinforce each others’ beliefs.

The Worldwideweb was launched in August 1991 under the Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn, a Millenial event. Uranus Neptune has many positive attributes but one side effect can be to create emotional and psychic confusion; and contributes to an inability to digest rational evidence if it contradicts firmly held views. Pluto in Scorpio will also be at work, making for entrenched opinions, as well as deep and dark suspicions. Not that all conspiracy theorists are Millenials. Most high-profile ones are older, but without the internet they probably wouldn’t exist/or have much traction.

What is noticeable in both Alex Jones (Infowars) and David Icke’s chart is a Sun square Mars – they’re angry, especially at authority figures; father in childhood and father-figures (rulers) in adult life; as well as having an accentuated and rebellious Uranus close to their Moon.

You’ll have to forgive the psychobabble but paranoid personalities fascinate me. Leave aside for the moment  ‘the paranoid is the only one who sees the truth’, of which more below. Paranoia occurs in the first months of life, when a helpless, highly anxious infant tries to cope with a mother, who can’t be on tap 24/7. So mother gets split into good (when she’s there) and bad (when she’s otherwise occupied). Negotiating this phase by understanding she’s both wonderful (idealised) and frustrating (loathed) is a step along the way to maturity, leading to mourning for the lost paradise and an acceptance of separation.

The paranoid feelings will recur through life, but for some, they remain stuck in this splitting stage where people are either all good or all bad. Usually what happens is they perceive the ‘bad’ to be those on the outside, while they protect their image of themselves as shining white. Them are irretrievably guilty; I’m morally upright. Trump? It’s an inability to develop complex thinking and feeling. People, even the good-enough parent, are a mix of pluses and minuses; as is the individual themself.

Out in the howling internet, one of the fallacies that such simplistic splitting leads to is ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend.’ For example, the USA has got up to all manner of dirty tricks, so is bad; therefore anyone against the USA, for example Russia, has to be good. Rather than facing a variety of horrible truths; 1) there may be no goodies amongst rulers anywhere; 2) some are better/worse than others; 3) both will have positive attributes which are not negated by their bad behaviour.

Splitting does make life easier for a lazy mind – I’m right and you’re wrong. Rather than facing the uncomfortable fact that “genuine tragedies are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights.” (Hegel). That is not a conundrum that is easily assimilated.

None of which ignores the fact that governments in varying degrees at varying times act egregiously badly and manipulate the population. “It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be moulded until they clothe ideas and disguise.” (Goebbels)  Or to carry out provocative acts and blame it on the other side to justify starting a conflict; of which there is copious evidence. See URL below.

But to move from an understanding that bad sometimes happens, to a mindset which is suspicious of every incident, even turning videoed mass shootings into ‘false flags’, is an indication of a pathology (illness).

Millenials – Pluto in Scorpio + Neptune in Capricorn



Millenials are generally considered as the generation born between the early 1980s to mid 1990s. That would coincide with Pluto in Scorpio, 1984 to 1995; and Neptune in Capricorn, 1984 to 1997. Uranus was in Sagittarius 1982 to 1989 then in Capricorn for the triple conjunction with Saturn and Neptune and moved out in 1995.

There’s a range of views about their characteristics: – special, sheltered, confident, team-oriented, conventional, pressured, and achieving. Confident and tolerant, but also with a sense of entitlement and narcissistic. More miserable. Pragmatic idealists. Dislike staying for long in same job. More open-minded, and more supportive of gay rights and equal rights for minorities; self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and receptive to new ideas and ways of living. “The trend is more of an emphasis on extrinsic values such as money, fame, and image, and less emphasis on intrinsic values such as self-acceptance, group affiliation and community.”

Pluto in Scorpio will make them intense, secretive, will-driven, interested in power and for some in the occult, resourceful in crisis, aware of the seriousness of life. Pluto in Scorpio is essentially about regeneration; and they will have strong views about sex and money. Evidently they are ditching credit cards and avoiding debt (apart from student loans). And are more obese – maybe the misery factor. And having less sex than previous generations, perhaps Pluto’s repressive tendencies, or realism about AIDs etc.

The late 1980s to mid 1990s batch will be different from those born earlier in the 1980s, since they have the triple and then double conjunction in Capricorn. Uranus Neptune around 1990 to 1995 is highly-strung, tinged with genius in certain cases, certainly inspired/creative but can also be fanatical. Radically different ideas about the handling of money, both individually and globally.

I suspect we haven’t seen the full potential of this generation yet. Pluto in Scorpio and a heavy dose of Capricorn will take maturity for its full potential to emerge.

Northern Ireland – an intractable border conundrum



The Brexit chaos is causing major alarm in Northern Ireland with talk of the Good Friday Agreement being threatened. That was the power-sharing deal struck on 10 April 1998 which saw an end to hostilities. The DUP was the only party to oppose it. No definitive or constructive ideas have been forthcoming about how to resolve the problem of the soft North South border in Ireland in the event of a Brexit outside an EU customs union. Boris Johnson is swatting it aside as an irrelevance and Barnier is playing it up as a chance to keep the north within the EU.

The GF Agreement chart goes look highly stressed this year and on with tr Pluto square the Sun 2018/19; tr Uranus in an explosive conjunction to Mars across mid to late April this year, returning later in the year; high-wire this July and again in 2019 with tr Uranus square Neptune; and a tested-to-the-limit tr Pluto square Saturn 2019/20 – with worse aggravation in the years following.

The Northern Ireland chart looks jangled this month; at a critical point and trapped with tr Pluto square the MC in 2018/2019; and uncertain and depressed from May 2019 with tr Neptune opposition Saturn.

The relationship charts between North Ireland and both Republic of Ireland 1922 and 1949 charts look angry, blocked and damaged this year, worse next.

Sinn Fein, 28 November 1905, is running into a deadlock in about 18 months’ time. The DUP 30 September 1971 is deflated and argumentative this year; and nerve-stretched in 2019/2020. Relations between the two parties will be disrupted in a minor way in 2018, and be in complete upheaval in the three years following. That relationship chart has a bitter-hostility composite Mars opposition Pluto square Mercury Sun (Venus), which tr Uranus is clashing with in hard aspect till late 2021.

The UK/Northern Ireland relationship chart is moving through trouble times in 2018/19 with tr Pluto trine the composite Mars; and undergoing major adjustments to accommodate a change of direction, starting this May, but really exacerbated from May 2019 when tr Uranus will conjunct the composite Pluto. The old rules won’t apply any more.

The same goes for the UK/Republic of Ireland with ructions when tr Uranus moves into Taurus from May onwards; with more upsets and a re-set in diplomatic ties in 2019/2020.

Heaven knows what that all adds up to. No one looks happy, including Arlene Foster, the DUP leader.

Whether tr Saturn conjunct the UK Capricorn IC and Sun late this year and through 2019 is strong enough to separate the UK into its constituent parts, I’d doubt. Though it is possible, and the problems are mounting over Scotland and Wales devolved powers, never mind Gibraltar. I’m intrigued to see how the Solar Arc Moon opposition the UK Saturn, exact this time next year works out. The Saturn represents the legislature and the populace are obviously a million miles apart from their hapless politicians.