The USA is awkward since there’s no accepted start time for the 4 July 1776 chart. I did once plot historical events against all the possible charts and came up with 11am as the most accurate except it has a Virgo Ascendant. The Sagittarius rising chart (Sibley 5.10pm) seems more descriptive of the stereotypical American personality.
I’ll skip house transits and do them later for the USA First President chart which at least has a set time. [But for those interested the 11am chart has houses similar to the EU and the UK’s. The Sibley Sag rising has tr Pluto moving through the 2nd from 2013 to 2030, which is a long period of deconstructing and reconstructing the financial system, against a fair amount of resistance given Pluto’s natal place in the 2nd. Tr Saturn is crossing the Ascendant this year, dampening enthusiasm and confidence and starting a lower-profile seven or eight year phase of finding a new identity. Tr Uranus through the 5th from 2016 for seven years – rebellious children, original entertainment, could be fun.]
On the 1776 chart, the tr Uranus square tr Pluto is almost over hard aspects to the USA Cancer Sun square Saturn in Libra, with only one final tr Pluto square Saturn to come mid this September to mid October. That latter is always a discouraging drag.
Tr Uranus will square the Mercury in Cancer from late this June throwing up a few surprises, strong opinions, vehement outbursts; and tr Uranus will square the USA Pluto from mid 2017 which does suggest a need for a major change, with rebellious elements surfacing. Entrenched attitudes will be challenged.
There’ll be a lucky break with much relief in 2020 with Solar Arc Jupiter square Uranus; followed by a downer with a panicky-failure tr Neptune square Mars in 2021.
The USA First President chart, 30 April 1789 12.45pm New York, did work well against 9/11 with a shocking-collision Solar Arc Mars opposition the Taurus Sun; losses and mourning from Solar Arc Saturn square the Cancer Moon; with tr Uranus conjunct the Pluto and the tr Saturn opposition tr Pluto aiming for the Solar Arc MC. Solar Arc Uranus was within a degree of the Descendant, altering the US’s relationships considerably in the years following.
On that chart the 16 degree Cancer Sun square Mars opposition a 21 degree Neptune in Libra is still labouring under tr Uranus square tr Pluto for several more years till 2020. But does get a lift this year from tr Uranus square Jupiter, extending into early 2017. Tr Pluto opposition the Moon in 2016/17 does describe an intensely conflicted population with bitter feelings emerging.
There’ll be a financial downer in 2017 with Solar Arc Saturn opposition Venus. Though that may be mitigated to some extent by tr Jupiter moving through the 2nd for a year from this September. Tr Uranus also moves out of the 8th this year where it has been from 2009, which has been very bumpy business-wise and financially. So that should make life marginally easier.
Tr Neptune has been in the 7th since 2010, early in Obama’s reign, staying till the mid 2020s, which makes for uncommitted relations with neighbouring countries.
2018/2019 will be a slog with tr Pluto sextile Saturn; but there’ll be a more positive direction and more influence as tr Pluto trines the MC in 2019/20 and opposes Jupiter.
There is a sense from this chart which has a highly emotional, self-protective, inward-looking Water Grand Trine of Jupiter (Moon) trine Saturn trine North Node in Scorpio, formed into a Kite with North Node opposition MC – that the USA will be pushed out of an all-too-comfortable rut to move onto a different track in the 2020s. By 2023 tr Uranus will conjunct the MC indicating a change of direction and more independent mood.
Although tr Uranus in Taurus will conjunct Venus Sun and then square Pluto in 2018, 2020 and 2024 respectively, it’s unlikely to have as dramatic or drastic effect as on the UK/EU’s chart. Especially since it isn’t affecting the financial houses.