Iran – forces for change meet hardliners

Iran’s election first round was hailed as a triumph for the pragmatists and reformists, despite many being disqualified before the race had begun. Though the balance could shift in the second round, and in any event the highly conservative Guardian Council and other power centres will block any moves they see as undermining their influence.

Both the Iran 7 Oct 1906 and 1 Feb 1979 9am charts indicate upheavals plus major anxieties/confusion this year. The 1906 chart has tr Neptune conjunct Saturn and tr Pluto trine Mars as well as tr Saturn square the Mars Saturn opposition.  Both have Uranus transits to their respective Plutos which does indicate change and disruption.  The March and September Eclipses are, as last year, also bouncing off key planets, so a challenging time. This September’s Virgo Eclipse looks especially critical.

The key is Ayatollah Khameini who is reputedly ailing, though he is extraordinarily tough with a Fixed T Square of Pluto opposition Mars square Saturn. However tr Uranus will square his Cancer Sun from late May, on and off for a year, which will provide a few jolts.

His Leadership chart, 4 June 1989, has weathered more than a few storms in recent years as the tr Uranus square tr Pluto was in hard aspect to the Uranus Neptune Saturn in Capricorn.  But that has now passed over. What it’s facing this year is tr Saturn opposition Sun Jupiter at the moment, lowering enthusiasm and confidence; with tr Neptune in square in 2017 and after – so a general downhill slide.

President Hassan Rouhani, the centrist President, took over on 3 Aug 2013 at 5pm – this gives a powerful and innovative though risky Pluto opposition Moon Jupiter Mars square Uranus. Tr Pluto is opposing his Presidency Mars all this year which is frustrating and the Pluto Uranus square closes to exact by Solar Arc in five months’ time, so a tricky and unstable time for him.


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