September 2020

The dutiful, health-conscious Virgo Sun around for the first three weeks will get a helping hand from innovative Uranus, lucky, upbeat Jupiter, get-it-together Pluto and stable Saturn with only a minor dip from a lacklustre Neptune along the way.  Progress won’t be seamless but will be more free-flowing than last month’s jolting and jangling. Mercury in diplomatic Libra most of the month will help soothe ruffled feather. And Venus in Leo will bring a touch of flash and sparkle to social occasions and romance.

Mars going retrograde on the 9th for a few weeks will create a few obstacles but Jupiter going direct four days later will offset most of the problem.

Into the final week with the Sun in well-balanced and indulgent Libra, there’ll be a gear-shift in mood.  Mercury will give a few hints of a ratchety October to come for a few days. So it’ll be as well to say less and keep smiling.


1: Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto – persuasive, deep thinking.

2: Full Moon in Pisces – pulled in two directions.

Venus in Cancer opposition Saturn in Capricorn – emotionally cool, separated in love

Sun in Virgo trine Uranus – bright ideas, want freedom, lively.

3: Mercury trine Saturn – sensible, practical.

4: Venus square Mars in Aries – passionately enthusiastic though not necessarily sensitive

Mercury sextile Venus – sweet words, sentimental.

5: mercury into Libra until the 27th – fair-minded, indecisive since a tendency to think right round situations before coming to a judgement.

6: Venus into Leo until October 2nd – playful, flirtatious, heart-centred, indulgent.

9: Sun trine Jupiter in Capricorn – confident optimistic, lucky.

Mars retrograde in Aries until mid November – arguments won’t get anywhere, forward gear will be obstructed slightly.

11: Sun opposition Neptune – vague, dreamy, kind, not realistic or energetic.

13: Jupiter direct in Capricorn – good for money and ambitions.

14: Sun trine Pluto – have overcome recent setbacks and learnt a few lessons, so not pushing ahead

15: Venus square Uranus – flirtatious, want freedom in romance, can upset insecure relationships.

17: Mercury square Jupiter – confident, promise more than can deliver.

New Moon in Virgo – new beginnings.

Sun trine Saturn – sensible, good for planning.

21: Mercury square Pluto – deep thinking, negative, dogmatic.

22: Sun into Libra for four weeks – sociable, relationship-oriented, seeking for balance.

23: Mercury square Saturn – discouraging, negative mood in a minor way, have to correct mistakes.

24: Mercury opposition Mars – argumentative, snappy.

27: mercury into Scorpio until late October – penetrating way of speaking, good for research and finding out secrets, dislikes being criticised.

29: Venus trine Mars – exuberant, boisterous, sociable, flirtatious.

Saturn direct in Capricorn – organisation plans begin to move ahead faster.


Jupiter in Capricorn from December 2nd 2019 to December 2020. Capricorn is money-minded, ambitious, traditional, practical. In astrology it rules business and governmental systems. Can be creative.

Saturn: In Capricorn from December 20th 2017 till March 22 2020, and again and again July 2nd to December 17th – usually coincides with a time of some financial shortages and the need to push ambitions ahead with persistence. Puts a toe into Aquarius in late March for three months, and moves in for two years plus from December onwards – it is serious thinking, helpful for science, steadier emotionally though cold.

Uranus: From March 2019 for seven years in Taurus – changing attitudes to handling of money, possessions and resources especially in agriculture and our attitude to nature.

Neptune: In Pisces from February 2012 for thirteen years – religious, spiritual, has resonances with Muslim history.

Pluto: In Capricorn for sixteen years from Nov 2008 till 2024 = complete deconstruction and reconstruction of global economic and commercial structures and systems, as well as major changes in way in which governments work. In past times of Pluto in Capricorn (approximately every 250 years) there was territorial domination on a grand scale by charismatic leaders and ultimately a time of culture, learning, justice and prosperity.

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