Prince William has come under criticism for not pulling his weight as a working Royal while holding down a part-time helicopter pilot job (in the Daily Mail). While it is arguable as third in line he doesn’t really need to do as much as he’ll do later on, Ken Palace coming out with some weak-minded excuse about EU regulations, that was instantly blown out of the water, hardly helps. The Queen did enjoy quiet time in Malta in the early years of her marriage when Philip was stationed there (the children were left at home with nanny), so there is precedent.
Prince William has a dependent-on-close-partner 7th house New Moon in Cancer trine a drama-queen Jupiter on the MC. He’ll grow into the latter as a success story as he matures in later life but it can make him lazy. Plus he has an emphasised Venus in Taurus in the 5th which is indulgent; and as focal point of a Yod, makes him feel he doesn’t fit in when out and about glad-handing. Again, once that Yod clicks into place he’ll find his groove.
Last year and this he does have tr Pluto square his Saturn which can feel like an uphill struggle and discouraging. Though he’ll get a jolt when tr Uranus starts to oppose his 9th house Pluto from mid 2016 to mid 2017. That suggests a change of pace and pressure for a major re-organisation of his everyday life. Though with a Saturn Pluto conjunction he can be very stubborn and resistant to advice and pressure. His midpoints this year are a mix of some highs and some aggravated phases.
Tr Saturn is now into his 12th so gradually moving away from old ambitions and he may drop into a lower profile phase from late 2017 onwards for a few years. But during tr Saturn in his 1st quadrant from 2018 onwards it is possible he may find himself and get himself onto a meaningful track. In 2019 his focal point Venus has moved by Solar Arc to conjunct his Sun so that could be the trigger.
One problem he faces is his father who tends to get prickly if attention is diverted away from him. Their relationship chart has a composite Mars Neptune conjunction, so if one succeeds the other feels diminished. Their relationship looks disappointing and cool this year and under a fair amount of pressure.
Kate is having a fairly tricky year with tr Uranus square her Capricorn Sun and opposition her Saturn as well as tr Pluto opposition her Moon (maybe) so a fair amount of upheaval.
My feeling is that not all is happy in her parents’ marriage which given the closeness of the family will give her problems. Prince William looks as if the shine has gone slightly off his relationship with them. And there are some hiccups for the Middletons through this year.