Marjorie Orr featuring: Astrology of Today’s News

These are excerpts of the current news articles. For a full list and full stories click the News link above.

Mars meeting Pluto – courage to keep going

Mars will dominate this winter as it moves through Cancer in opposition to Pluto from late October, going retrograde early December and staying within orb of this high-stress opposition till after the USA Inauguration in late January. Mars goes direct late February and picks up the Pluto opposition again mid April to mid May. Not … Read more


Solar Eclipse Vindemiatrix – the harvester

  The Solar Eclipse of October 2nd is conjunct the Fixed star Vindemiatrix, named after the Latin for ‘the grape-harvestress’. It suggests a collector or gatherer of information, can give mental concentration as well as produce ‘The One Sent Forth in the Faith’ – a missionary for their cause, whether religious or other. Astrology King … Read more

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Libra Ingress – finding balance in chaos

The Libra Ingress coinciding with the autumn equinox (in northern hemisphere) was considered by German astrologer E.H. Troinski to be the key Cardinal Ingress of the year. Though other prominent astrologers like Barbault and Kepler discounted the relevance of ingress charts altogether. Charles Carter took the view they might have value as part of a … Read more


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Martha Lane Fox – Neptune’s superpower drive

  An inspirational tale as an antidote to complaining about personal woes comes from Melanie Reid, a Times columnist who has been tetraplegic since a riding accident in 2010.  She writes with humour and angst about the travails of a seriously disabled life. This week she talks about Martha Lane Fox, entrepreneur founder of the … Read more


Keir Starmer – honeymoon short-circuits ++ Waheed Alli

With a government chart having Neptune on the Descendant conjunct shipwrecking Scheat and an 8th house Uranus (Mars) conjunct the destructive star Algol, it is not surprising Keir Starmer’s administration has stumbled into a damaging run of self-defeating missteps.  On the face of it a 10th house with Moon, Sun, Venus in Cancer should have … Read more


Mohammed Al Fayed – retribution comes late

Mohammed Al Fayed, formerly owner of Harrods and nearly Princess Diana’s father-in-law, who died last year, is now the centre of a sexual abuse scandal with allegations of rape and sexual assault being made by former employees.   Ambitious for high honour and acceptance in the upper echelons of British society including in the Royal … Read more


Pamela Harriman – bedding her way to success

Pamela Harriman, daughter-in-law of Winston Churchill, described as a “European geisha” and “The Last Courtesan” was supposedly, according to a new biography, pimped out by her father-in-law (and Lord Beaverbrook) to seduce key Americans to ensure support for the UK war effort. She did bed W. Averell Harriman, Roosevelt’s representative in London and in later … Read more


Lebanon and Israel – intractable conflict

The Lebanon has had an illustrious history stretching back several millenia being a major centre under the Byzantine Empire and ultimately under the Ottoman Empire. In the colonial carve up after World War 1 it was handed as a mandate along with Syria to France, who made a botch of their ultimate withdrawal with 22 … Read more


Alan Cumming – a man for all seasons

The versatile Alan Cumming has added yet another award from the recent Emmys to join his previous BAFTA Award, previous Emmy, Tonys and an Olivier. This recent accolade was for his hosting of the reality show Traitors, which is a tense psychological adventure competition where 22 strangers in a castle in the Scottish Highlands aim … Read more