Nicholas Sarkozy – crashing into difficulties

Former French President, right-wing Nicolas Sarkozy is under formal investigation over campaign funding for his unsuccessful 2012 bid for re-election. Despite his denials of all involvement in campaign finances, it is seen as a blow to his attempts to regain the presidency in 2017.

Born 28 January 1955 10pm Paris, his chart does show signs of a collision of sorts which will bring him to a halt and infuriate him. His Solar Arc Sun will conjunct his Mars in Aries, exact in four months’ time. Into 2017 he has several unpleasant and counter-productive influences – tr Pluto will conjunct his Neptune which can be devastating; tr Saturn will oppose his Gemini MC around the time of the election; and his Solar Arc Saturn will oppose his Jupiter, exact late in 2017, and possibly casting a damper over his attempt.

Admittedly he also has tr Uranus square his Jupiter through this year from late May onwards which will give him a lucky break. But maybe not enough to shake him loose from various allegations which have been swirling around him.   His marriage to Carla Bruni also looks more than creaky in 2017.


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