Boris Johnson has decided to opt for Brexit but is hedging his bets madly by saying voting OUT is the best way of gaining more concessions which would then make it worthwhile to stay IN. 19 June 1964 2pm New York.
Over the late June referendum he has tr Saturn exactly square his Pluto in Virgo with tr Neptune in opposition which doesn’t look too supportive of a power base.
One problem with predictions this year is the Saturn Jupiter Neptune T square in transit which throws up good news and bad news at the same time. His Jupiter does get a confidence boost pre-Referendum from the tr Pluto trine but it also gets a tr Pluto sextile Neptune at the same time which could undercut over-confident plans. He’s also got three very disaster-prone Uranus transits in hard aspect to Mars midpoints before then which doesn’t suggest high confidence.
Ian Duncan Smith, another Brexit campaigner, 9 April 1954 9.02pm Edinburgh, has all manner of Jupiter aspects which look more hopeful for him this year and especially in the next three years; though tr Saturn heading into his 2nd house is generally a less successful time.
Michael Gove, Theresa Villiers and Chris Grayling, other Brexit-ers, all have unhappy, stuck influences in late June.
The Conservative Party chart, 12 Nov 1867, is certainly under pressure this year from tr Pluto trine Pluto and moving on to sextile the Sun in 2017/18 which looks like forced change under great difficulty. But managed without upsetting the applecart.
Tr Neptune is opposition the CParty North Node in Virgo exactly in late June with tr Saturn square – which is fairly esoteric and difficult to assess. Though at a stretch, maybe concerns about the soul of the party and great concern arising from that. But there’s nothing suggesting an implosion.