Your Starsign


March 21 - April 20

Today's Horoscope for Friday July 26th

You'll be restless in a high-vitality mood of get-up-and-go. With Mars, your ruler, giving you a boost you will not want to step aside for anyone and will go straight down the middle of road. At times you could be impulsive and even reckless so take care. You will be thinking fast, and speaking sharply if you don't pause to consider the consequences of your words especially on thin-skinned companions. Take a deep breath and count up to 100 before over reacting.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd July

When you want deliver opinions or extract information in the time ahead you will speak in a way that demands attention. You will delight in raising the heat is discussions but try not to cause more trouble than it is worth. Standing your ground in one situation will seem sensible. The evidence may not come through for a few days but you will be glad that you rose to the challenge and did not lose your cool. In between times you will be keen to enjoy yourself. You will be wearing your heart on your sleeve, and be upfront about what you fancy.

Your Monthly Horoscope for July

Focusing your attention on home and family matters for three weeks will give you a chance to relax and get recent events into perspective. Having heart to heart chats with loved ones will draw you closer and iron out a few wrinkles as well. None of which will prevent you after the 10th accepting social invitations and kicking up your heels in fun company. Charming everyone you meet you'll be complimented and appreciated for your persuasive approach. There may be a disruption or two midmonth with Mars clashing with Uranus which may bring a financial surprise or two and you won't be in a mood to compromise. Try not to jump to conclusions or leap into hasty over reactions since it won't bring the results you want. Into the final ten days your everyday schedule will speed up sending you into overdrive. You'll be racing around, multi-tasking and speaking directly. If slow coaches get in your way or mistakes hold you up you won't be tactful. At the same time your leisure activities will sparkle back to life at double strength. One friendship may be tense but you will calm them down.

and Next Month's Horoscope for August

Your fun month of the year is in full swing, running on until the 22nd with the Sun in sociable, light-hearted and flirtatious Leo. Enjoyment will take priority over duty and chores, and any hint of you being cornered into suiting anyone else's agenda will find you racing off at speed. A varied, busy and enthusiastic everyday schedule will keep you on the move, chatting confidently, pushing obstacles and distractions to one side. Your way with words and positive, open-minded approach will pay dividends as you make new friends and find doors open up to you with new opportunities. Try not to let your exuberance on the 14th push you a step too far since you'll have to pull back two days later as you run into a problem or two. You will have a cash matter to resolve after midmonth when a sudden turn of circumstances throws your calculations out. Hard work will beckon in the final week and you will settle down happily to a practical routine.

Year Ahead 2024

Standing on the brink of 2024 and of a clear move away from the past, you'll be sifting and sorting out a revised plan for the future. Recent restrictions will lift and with a wealth of experience under your belt you'll know what will suit you best with the help of your new-found sense of purpose. Your luck with money will ease your passage through the first five months although your increased spending may not leave much surplus in hand. Key decisions focused on lifestyle changes and revised agreements with close partners will be flagged up by the Solar Eclipses. Instant action won't be required but it will require reflection and advice before commitments are made in any direction. From June onwards your positive approach and increasing tolerance will make for easier everyday contacts at work and elsewhere. Your way with words and ability to motivate and morale boost will do wonders for your popularity with workmates, neighbours and those close. As you mix with influential people in your community or with strong-minded new friends you will meet occasional differences and tensions. Not getting too intense, obsessed or stubborn will help to get beyond no-win arguments and deadlocks. Live and let live, appreciate alternative viewpoints and agree to differ will be the way to go. By the year end you will be onto a new road and anticipating new adventures.