

The first of the year is a Total Lunar Eclipse on 14 March at 23 degrees Virgo/Pisces with the Sun conjunct Saturn and Neptune which suggests a fair amount of anxiety and illusory thinking from Saturn Neptune. With a harder-edged, explosive, perhaps military Sun Saturn trine Mars sextile Uranus.

  On the astrocartography, the generally unfavourable Pluto MC line runs through Ukraine and all points south which does not look hopeful.

The Partial Solar Eclipse of 29 March at 8 degrees Aries, also has the potentially high-risk Saturn trine Mars sextile Uranus. It is in a  9 New North Saros series which according to Bernadette Brady is physically expressive, so accidents, great effort or even violent events may accompany it.  It can be positive in terms of constructive physical activity as long as a watchful eye is kept on safety.

It was around previously in this Saros Series in 2007, 1989, 1971, 1953, 1935, 1917.

  Ukraine has Chiron on the Midheaven which might suggest difficulties deciding on a path ahead; and the New Moon MC runs through Poland. Brazil and Australia look less than thrilled.

It will be visible from parts of Europe, North America, Greenland, and Russia with the greatest eclipse depth over Greenland and far-eastern Canada

  The Total Lunar Eclipse of 7 September at 15 degrees Pisces/Virgo is the first eclipse to bear the signature of the new era with Pluto in Aquarius trine Uranus in Gemini sextile Neptune in Aries and Saturn in final degree Pisces. There may be a more upbeat mood with the Full Moon trine/sextile Jupiter and Jupiter in an enthusiastic square to Mars.

  Though the Saros series of 9 New South is associated with worries about loved ones, health and paperwork. Bernadette Brady remarks: “Any news will have a sense of destiny or fatedness about it.”  It was around previously in this series in 2007, 1989, 1971, 1953, 1935, 1917.

 On the astrocartography the Pluto MC is through Moscow and the Middle East which may not augur well for those regions; with a more comforting Jupiter IC through Ukraine.

 The Partial Solar Eclipse of 21 September 2025 at 29 degrees Virgo is in a downbeat opposition to Saturn and Neptune, though Saturn is trine Jupiter which in turn is square Mars in final degree Libra which may take the edge of the Saturnine gloom. Plus the Pluto trine Uranus sextile Neptune (Saturn) of the new era is in place. 

The Pluto MC line is through Norway and central Europe.

  It will be visible from parts of Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica, and the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

  The EU chart with its Ascendant at 29 degrees Virgo will be affected by the September Solar Eclipse especially – and also by tr Neptune Saturn moving across its Ascendant as they head for Aries in the EU 1st house cutting down high hopes and bringing confusion about identity.

ADD ON: Starbucks is cutting back on its corporate staff and some items on the menu to counter falling sales in the US. With a 9 degree Aries Sun opposition Uranus; and Pluto at 28 degrees Virgo it is catching almost all of this year’s eclipses forcing it into changes.

 Th other eclipse sensitive chart is the relationship chart between Emmanuel Macron and Trump which has a composite Sun at 26 degrees Pisces and Venus at 8 Libra – which is equally being tested to the limits throughout this year.

  [The mutual dislike in this instance is every bit as strong as between Zelensky and Trump with a similar composite Saturn Mars square Neptune – suspicion and hostility.]


Another jangled chart is the original Act setting up Washington, DC, 16 July 1790,  which has a Cancer Sun square Neptune; and more significantly for 2025 the Sun sextile Mars at 27 Virgo inconjunct Pluto. So the Virgo/Pisces eclipses all year will rattle up the combative Mars. Plus there is a frustrating, trapped, infuriated Solar Arc Mars square the Washington yod focal point Pluto as well. A tricky year.


  The first of this year’s eclipses comes on March 25 with a Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra/Aries. Pluto will trine/sextile the Full Moon to provide a degree of get-it-together energy. Though Neptune widely conjunct the Sun opposition Moon may cast an air of dither and drift into proceedings. Jupiter Uranus conjunct will produce a dash of adventure and luck.

  The Total Solar Eclipse on 8 April at 19 degrees Aries – the great American eclipse – has its path across the USA.   In addition to the lucky Jupiter Uranus there is a less cheerful Mars Saturn conjunction in Pisces which can be accident-prone or bring setbacks. Like the Lunar Eclipse it is not especially well integrated as a chart.  

  Bernadette Brady says of this Saros series that it is inventive, with flashes of genius, insights, good ideas, vivid dreams and an urge for freedom which may pull the individual away from relationships temporarily causing strain. Around before in 2006, 1988, 1970, 1952, 1934, 1916.

  The 18 September 2024 Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Pisces/Virgo is conjunct Neptune and square Jupiter for a hint of over-optimism and delusion. There is an Earth Grand Trine of Uranus in Taurus trine Sun trine Pluto which is practical and good for crafting solid achievements. Except in this case it also forms a Kite with Sun opposition Neptune so there will be a degree of indecisiveness and confusion. As well as high hopes and enthusiasm.

The Solar Eclipse of 2 October 2024 at 10 degrees Libra has the New Moon in a hyper-active and argumentative square to Mars. And Jupiter square Neptune and Saturn so prone to mood swings, up and down.

 Bernadette Brady says of this Saros Series it is about separation and loss, to finish or complete a process. With sadness at the end or closure. Not good for strenuous physical activities. Around before 2006, 1988, 1970, 1952, 1934, 1916.  

Effects for each sign. Eclipses are challenges to develop potential in one area of life. If change is not volunteered for and embraced, it can sometimes be forced on the individual which is more difficult. The Eclipse effect can start before the due date and lasts for roughly six months until the next one.  The Solar Eclipse always occurs either two weeks before or after a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon).

ARIES: The March Lunar Eclipse will prompt questions about a close relationship and how to reach better understandings. The April Solar Eclipse will be a time to make independent decisions about your path ahead. You must choose what comes next. The September Lunar Eclipse hints that taking it easy and finding time for private reflection will be wise. The October Solar Eclipse will be when you need to be less self-sufficient, more adaptable and pay attention to a partner’s needs if you want a relationship to progress.

TAURUS: The March Lunar Eclipse is health and fitness focused so good resolutions need to be made. The April Solar Eclipse in the sign before yours says lie low, take time to reflect, pull strings behind the scenes. The September Lunar Eclipse will be your cue to widen your circle of friends and make long term plans. The October Solar Eclipse will be a time for a new health and fitness regime and a nudge to get more efficient as chores mount up.

GEMINI: A fun-and-laughter Lunar Eclipse in March will prompt you to waken up your social life and widen your circle of friend. The Solar Eclipse in April will focus your mind ahead and prompt you to set long term goals and strategies with the advice of trusted mates. The September Lunar Eclipse on your midheaven hints at changes in your career or direction in life. Time for a rethink. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will bring support from friends as you widen your circle.

CANCER: The March Lunar Eclipse is home and family centred with a hint that finding a better balance between your head (outer ambitions) and heart (emotional relationships) is needed. The Solar Eclipse in April on the other hand says this is your time to make your mark, get your talents out on display and demand recognition. The September Lunar Eclipse will see you broadening your horizons, travelling more or looking for adventure. The October Solar Eclipse will be a time to put down roots, pay attention to family and make changes at home.

LEO: The March Libra Lunar Eclipse will find you scurrying along a busy everyday schedule and need to manage your time more efficiently.  The Solar Eclipse in April will find you aiming high, thinking big and hoping for adventure in the coming months. The September Lunar Eclipse is focused on joint finances and your intimate emotional life. Altering the way you share, care and cooperate will be vital.

VIRGO: Getting your finances together will be the message of the March/April Eclipses – finding a new approach to joint responsibilities and sharing, caring, cooperating in a different way. The late September Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign will turn your attention to close relationships and how you can retain some independence while cooperating at the same time.  The Libra October Eclipse will prompt you to take the initiative where your finances are concerned. Action will bring results. Hoping for the best won’t.

LIBRA: The Libra Lunar Eclipse in March will find you dithering about one close relationship not knowing whether to commit fully or retain some independence. The April Solar Eclipse will firmly push you towards compromising and sharing more in order to make the partnership work. The September Lunar Eclipse in the sign before yours is a hint to take it easy, give yourself a chance to recharge your batteries and take time to reflect. The October Solar Eclipse in your own sign will be your cue to take significant decisions about your path ahead. You are at a fork in the road and need to decide what comes next. Your life and it should be your choices.

SCORPIO: The March Lunar Eclipse in Libra, the sign before yours, is hidden so is a hint to step back, take time out for reflection and to recharge your batteries. The April Aries Eclipse may bring more work your way but looking after stamina and fitness will be crucial. By September the Lunar Eclipse will give you a nudge to waken up your social life and find time for friends who will be advising you about your long term plans. At the same time the Libra October Solar Eclipse says continue your good resolutions about not working all the time but giving yourself a chance to rest and recuperate along the way.

SAGITTARIUS: The March Lunar Eclipse will nudge you to find a balance between loved ones and friends, between emotional connections and more detached ones. The Aries April Solar Eclipse on the other hand will push to to revitalize your social life and attract attention,. If you are short of love and admiration you need to give more and it will come back to you. The September Lunar Eclipse at your midheaven will find you taking the lead and demanding recognition for your achievements. The Libra Solar Eclipse in October will be forward looking, a time for setting goals and planning ahead.

CAPRICORN:  The March Lunar Eclipse in Libra will push you to find a balance between your head and your heart, between outer ambitions and emotional contentment. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will be firmly focused on home and family matters where overdue changes due to be progressed. The September Lunar Eclipse in your area of everyday communications says manage your time better, get organized, be efficient and communicate clearly in the time ahead. The Libra October Solar Eclipse at your midheaven will push you to make the most of your talents and demand recognition. This won’t be a time to be a shrinking violet.

AQUARIUS: The March Lunar Eclipse will be when you decide to get out of a rut, think big and aim high. You won’t be able to forget about everyday practicalities since the April Solar Eclipse will nudge you to manage your time better, get organized and communicate clearly. The September Lunar Eclipse will focus your mind on your finances. Taking shared responsibilities into consideration means listening to what others want as well as suiting yourself. The Libra October Solar Eclipse will be a time of broadening horizons, when you will travel more, take up new studies and find other ways of injecting interest and adventure into your life.

PISCES: The March Lunar Eclipse is hidden in a confidential area of your chart so will bring deep thoughts as well as a nudge to get a grip of your finances with the help of a close partner. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will prompt you to take the initiative over a cash matter and not leave results to chance. The September Lunar Eclipse in your own sign will prompt you to make decisions about what comes next and whether you can persuade close partners to fit in with your plans. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will be a hint to dig deep for answers to fundamental questions in your life. Sharing, caring and relating in a different way over money or your emotional life will bring fulfilment.


Eclipse conjunct natal Sun is a wake-up call, indicating a new path must be chosen, old attitudes junked, a definite decision to let go what is familiar and find the courage to reorganize priorities and make a fresh start. Burying head in sand is only likely to bring forced change, so best get in front of the curve and volunteer.

Eclipse opposition natal Sun – mistakes need to be faced and acknowledged. Finding a new perspective will bring a chance to get off onto a better footing.

Eclipse conjunct natal Moon – will bring into focus Moon areas such as family, mother figures, the past, close relationships, the connection to the individual’s community in terms of public image, sometimes health, what brings safety and security. It will prompt a reevaluation of the past and a need to alter habitual ways of approaching problems. Given the Moon’s nurturing qualities, it could feel as if foundations under a life are shifting.

Eclipse opposition Moon – it may put strain on close relationships with emotional over-reactions. Moving away from the past and more significantly realizing what old emotional patterns need to change.

Eclipse conjunct Mercury – upsets familiar attitudes, opinions, beliefs and ways of looking at the world to force a rethink. Brings added curiosity. Getting out of an intellectual rut.

Eclipse opposition Mercury – communication muddles as loose ends fly around. Effort will be need to maintain order in thinking and in organization. Time to get a grip and get jolted out of familiar ways of looking at life.

Eclipse conjunct Venus – can bring an emotional crisis, feeling isolated for a while, but also a hint that indulging yourself is not a sin. 

Eclipse opposition Venus – feeling separated from appreciation, indulgence or a close relationship. Being tolerant, compromising and thinking of other people’s needs, not your own is what is required.

Eclipse conjunct Mars – will press a red button on energy and anger. If normally over-active, then will need to slow down but for the meek and mild will be a time to find a backbone, put down limits and indicate displeasure at being pushed around.

Eclipse opposition Mars – argumentative, uncompromising, revitalizing. Needs to be handled with caution since an urge for thrills and excitement can cause trouble.

Eclipse conjunct Jupiter – over optimism can be a problem since Jupiter’s tendency to extremes gets out of hand. Need to double check and take nothing for granted.

Eclipse opposition Jupiter –  questions of trust come into focus. Have you relied too much on an unreliable friend/institution/belief. Sorting out what to put your faith in and what not is key.

Eclipse conjunct Saturn – chickens come home to roost and the price must be paid for past actions. Taking responsibility is key where Saturn is involved. Be realistic and get a grip.

Eclipse opposition Saturn – getting landed with added responsibilities, including for other people’s actions. A need to face up to fears and have a good clean out.

The outer planets are probably less noticeable in effect but worth paying attention to, with the key attributes of the planets being triggered or ignored.  Uranus can offer liberation or if avoided restrict freedom. Neptune points to deeper spiritual understanding or self-deception. Pluto – opportunity for transformation which if ducked leads to stagnation/decay.

Eclipse conjunct Ascendant – a change in image is required, how others see you, whether in changing job, relationship status, wardrobe and appearance.

 Eclipse conjunct Descendant – need to be less self-sufficient and more adaptable to make close relationships work, otherwise a separation may occur.

Eclipse conjunct Midheaven which rules career and direction in life – will bring a rethink of how best to fulfil your inner potential by walking a path that suits you. Can precipitate a career change or just a fundamental revaluation of your life’s direction.


The final degree Aries Solar Eclipse this Thursday is in an
unsubtle, sensual and passionate Saros series. Deep hidden
feelings will emerge to the surprise of those who were unaware
of them.
Pluto in Aquarius will square the New Moon and Taurus North
Node to magnify the intensity though the challenges will be
softened by Jupiter also in late Aries adding an upbeat and
expansive note to proceedings. Mars in excitable Cancer has
edgy aspects to Mercury Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces
– so sharp words and arguments are likely. Gritting teeth and
saying less will be advisable. Venus square Saturn hints that
a few sad moments will prevail. Around in this series before
in 2005, 1987, 1969, 1951, 1933, 1915
The 14 degree Taurus Lunar Eclipse of 5 May opposition Uranus
will be changeable, highly-strung, rebellious. Pluto squares
Jupiter for a sense of pushy confidence which may cross the
line of what is allowed; with an equally exuberant and
opportunistic Mars square Jupiter in a publicity attracting
trine to Neptune. It won’t pass by without comment, for sure.
The 14 October 21 degree Libra Solar Eclipse is of a different
order with a challenging, high-risk, ruthless Pluto square
Mars as well as square the New Moon. Pluto is also trine
Uranus and sextile Neptune which will fuel high ambition and a
revolutionary fervour. The Saros Series, according to
Bernadette Brady is one of immense power, anger and force.
Huge obstacles will suddenly clear or a potential crisis will
surface and events will move at great speed. All of which
sounds all too exhausting. Around before in 2005, 1987, 1969,
1951, 1922, 1915.
The 28 October Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus is tied into
Mars and Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus –
when push comes to shove it could be over the top though not
as tricky as the Solar Eclipse.

Effects for each sign. Eclipses are challenges to develop
potential in one area of life. If change is not volunteered
for and embraced, it can sometimes be forced on the individual
which is more difficult. The Eclipse effect can start before
the due date and lasts for roughly six months until the next
one. The Solar Eclipse always occurs either two weeks before
or after a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon).

ARIES: Those born in the later stages of Aries will feel the
effects of the late April Solar Eclipse most keenly. It’ll be
a wake up all to put overdue changes in place. The May Lunar
Eclipse hints that getting a grip of finances and ensuring you
have agreement of those you share joint responsibility with is
crucial. The October Solar Eclipse will focus your mind on
relationships and nudge you into make adjustments, being more
adaptable, less self-sufficient. The late October Lunar
Eclipse again says get your money in order before moving

TAURUS: The April Solar Eclipse is hidden in the sign before
yours so you will be exploring the past and spending time
reflecting on what you want to put in place ahead. Though
given it is a last degree Aries Eclipse it will affect the
Taureans early on in the sign, prodding you into changing your
life significantly. The October Solar Eclipse will prompt you
to put fitness up as a priority which means eating sensibly,
exercising and getting enough rest so that you stay on top
form. The May and October Lunar Eclipses will find you
juggling partnership issues – to be independent or
interdependent? You’ll hop backwards and forwards until you
are clear.

GEMINI: The late April Solar Eclipse will focus your mind on
friendships and future plans while the October Solar Eclipse
says loved ones and social fun will be your watchword in the
months thereafter. The Lunar Eclipses will be fitness-
oriented, both psychological and physical. You will need to
find a balance between mind and body.

CANCER: The late April Solar Eclipse on the cusp between Aries
and Taurus will push you outwards and upwards, keen to make
your mark at work and gain recognition as well as widen your
circle of friends and sort out long term plans. The October
Solar Eclipse will be focused on home and family matters, with
a hint that you need to make adjustments to bring domestic
fulfilment in the months ahead. The two Lunar Eclipses will
find you dancing between loved ones and friends, not knowing
who to favour. The answer is both.

LEO: Expanding your horizons, taking up new studies,
organizing travel all these are the April Solar Eclipses’

hint. You need to aim higher and make your presence felt. The
October Solar Eclipse will find you paying attention to
everyday details and mixing with workmates and neighbours.
The two Lunar Eclipses in May and October will find you
wobbling between your head and your heart, not knowing whether
to push ambitions ahead or relax comfortably at home.

VIRGO: Getting your finances together is the message of both
Solar Eclipses this year. The April one in late Aries will
focus your mind on joint finances, where you share
responsibility for money with others with the hint that
adjustments are needed in your agreements. The October Solar
Eclipse puts your personal finances up as a priority with a
hint that throwing money around to impress won’t be wise. You
can build up your security and resources by taking the
initiative. The two Lunar Eclipses in May and October will
prompt you to get a grip of your everyday organization, to
communicate clearly and push harder when you sense you are not
being heard.

LIBRA: The late Aries April Solar Eclipse will prompt you to
review close relationships and see where you could be more
flexible and less self-sufficient to build u a better rapport
with partners. The October Solar Eclipse in your own sign is a
wake-up call to put long overdue changes in place. Recognise
you are at a crossroads and must make significant decisions
about what comes next. The two Lunar Eclipses in May and
October are both financial – balancing out what is yours and
what you share with others will be vital.

SCORPIO: The Solar Eclipse in Aries in April will be hard-
working with extra chores piling up ahead so you need to be
fit physically and boost your stamina to cope. The October
Solar Eclipse is a hidden one and suggests taking it easy and
giving yourself time for quiet reflection in the months after.
The May and October Lunar Eclipses will find you making an
effort to find a balance between independence and
interdependence. Going your own way and cooperating. You won’t
manage one without the other.
SAGITTARIUS: Allowing yourself to sparkle in the spotlight,
enjoy yourself and head for entertainment and pleasure, is the
hint of the April Eclipse and if you feel you are not getting
enough attention then you need to give it. Hand out the hugs

and compliments and they will come back to you. The October
Solar Eclipse suggests widening your circle of friends and
sorting out longer term plans. The May and October Lunar
Eclipses will be more practical and more hidden. Finding quiet
time to recharge your batteries as well as the motivation to
improve your fitness will be your priorities.

CAPRICORN: Sorting out home, family and domestic matters will
be the challenge of the next few months after the late Aries
Solar Eclipse in April. Then from October you can turn your
mind to outer ambitions at work and in the community and push
hard to gain respect and recognition. The two Lunar Eclipses
in May and October will find you pushed and pulled between
friends on the one hand and loved ones on the other. You’ll
need to find time for both. You’ll also be prompted to sort
out long term plans though you’ll be equally attracted to the
notion of playing away the moment and disregarding tomorrow.

AQUARIUS: The late Aries Solar Eclipse in April sets a pattern
for the next few months of a busy everyday schedule which will
require you to streamline your efficiency, manage your time
well and communicate clearly. The October Solar Eclipse will
find you in an adventurous mood, keen to broaden your
horizons, learn more or travel extensively. The two Lunar
Eclipses in May and October will pull you between your head
and your heart, not knowing whether to put home and family
first or to concentrate on work and other ambitions. Aim for a

PISCES: The two Solar Eclipses fall in your financial chart
areas. The April one will nudge you to be sensible about your
personal spending and not go wild impressing others. Take the
initiative to improve your long term security. The October
eclipse will push you to make better agreements with those you
share joint responsibility with. Making adjustments to the way
you cooperate will be wise. The two Lunar Eclipses will keep
you on your toes with plenty of encounters and conversations.
Paying attention to detail as well as standing back to see the
big picture will be wise.


The first Solar Eclipse of the year falling on 30 April at 10 degrees Taurus is conjunct Uranus; with the Taurus North Node square Saturn, trine Pluto and sextile Jupiter Venus Neptune in Pisces. It’s in a Saros series, around previously in 2004, 1986, 1968, 1950, 1932, 1914 and is associated (according to Bernadette Brady, The Eagle and the Lark) with the relationship to father figures and the need to take responsibility and accept commitments due to another’s indisposition or unreliability.

  Uranus will throw up a few surprises, maybe upsets and prompt innovation and change. Jupiter Neptune hints at financial bubbles bursting and delusions or over-optimism leading to disappointments, financially and emotionally. Saturn in Aquarius in square is chilly, can be selfish and self-righteous.  New Zealand and Australia may be unsettled locations – NZ with an argumentative Mars on the MC; and AU with the New Moon Uranus on the Ascendant.

 The Total Lunar Eclipse following on 16 May at 25 degrees Scorpio in many ways is more powerful, as is often the case with Lunar Eclipses. The Scorpio Moon opposes the Taurus Sun and North Node squaring onto Saturn in Aquarius, trine Pluto and sextile Mars Neptune in Pisces. Stubborn, controlling, attention and publicity seeking, emotionally chilly and intellectually arrogant. Europe and the EU may be more than usually affected along with the UK as forced-change Pluto sits on the Midheaven.  Saturn sits on the Midheaven through Kiev which suggests a sobering reality check.

  The second Solar Eclipse of the year, also a Partial like the first, is on 25 October 2022 with the New Moon at two degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus inconjunct Jupiter; and Mercury trine Mars trine Saturn, square Pluto. It was around before the same years as above and is in an emotionally intense, slightly manic series, affecting relationships and group activities with effects ranging from falling in love to having to make a great effort.

 The Venus Jupiter aspects may mellow what looks to be an argumentative, if not dogmatic and intellectually bullying mood. Saturn in Aquarius will be showing its un-empathic and obstinate face. This Eclipse is the final one to be catching the disruptive Uranus Saturn square which bedevilled 2021 – as Uranus will conjunct the Taurus Node and square Saturn for a final time. Mars Saturn can be violent or accident-prone.

  The Total Lunar Eclipse on 8 November 2022 at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus opposition Venus square Saturn will magnify the Saturn square Uranus effect which can be dictatorial as well as unpredictable and contradictory.  There’s also an over-hopeful Jupiter Neptune in Pisces square Mars.

  They all look like a mish mash of minuses and pluses with the May Lunar Eclipse being the most difficult.  

Effects for each sign. Eclipses are challenges to develop potential in one area of life. If change is not volunteered for and embraced, it can sometimes be forced on the individual which is more difficult. The Eclipse effect can start before the due date and lasts for roughly six months until the next one.  The Solar Eclipse always occurs either two weeks before or after a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon).

ARIES: The late April Taurus Eclipse will focus your mind on your finances with a hint not to throw cash around to impress but instead take the initiative to improve your situation long term. This will require that you involve close partners in your planning and the earlier the better. By late October you will need to share, care, relate and cooperate in a new way over money and your emotional life.

TAURUS: This is a key year for you at the crossroads with the Eclipse in your own sign. You will be faced with significant decisions about which path you want to follow in future and for a few months ahead this will make you more independent, knowing the choices have to be yours. The late October Eclipse will put close relationships up as a priority so you’ll need to be adaptable and less self-sufficient into 2023.

GEMINI: The late April Solar Eclipse in the sign before yours is hidden so you’ll be more inward-looking, seeking answers in the past or within yourself. Understanding yourself better will be crucial. The late October Scorpio Eclipse will turn your attention to keeping fit and improving your general health in order to keep up with the pile of chores in front of you.

CANCER: Playing away the day and expecting tomorrow to look after itself won’t be an option with a Taurus Solar Eclipse in late April prodding you into making sensible long-term plans. Friends may be more helpful in giving you advice and support than loved ones. From October you’ll get a chance to reboot your social life and include those close in your enjoyment. If you want more love and affection you need to give it so start handing out hugs and kisses and compliments.

LEO: The late April Taurus Solar Eclipse at your midheaven hints it is a time to get your talents out on display and demand recognition. Being a shrinking violet won’t do. Find courage, be bold and don’t hide away in a corner. You will need to find a balance with home and emotional matters, but the main priority for six months will be your outer ambitions. Then from late October you can focus on your personal life and domestic affairs.

VIRGO: Setting your sights higher, spreading your wings and broadening the scope of your life will be your priorities from April onwards for a few months. Your enthusiasm will soar as will your sense of adventure. Travel could and should be on your agenda or at the least finding new hobbies and interests. From October you’ll be concerned with sorting out your everyday schedule, managing your time well and communicating clearly. It’ll be a few months thereafter of focusing on the little things.

LIBRA: Getting a grip of joint finances and all cooperative agreements will be vital from April for a few months ahead. You’ll need to alter your approach to sharing, caring, relating and handling money you share with others and your emotional life. Leaving behind the habits of a lifetime is not easy but taking the initiative now will save problems later on. From October onwards you’ll be able to put your own interests first and ensure you are building up your personal security. Throwing money around to impress won’t be wise.

SCORPIO: Like Taurus, this is a significant year at the crossroads for you when major decisions about your path ahead need to be made. From April for a few months you will be focusing on close relationships and cooperative agreements. You will need to be less self-sufficient, more adaptable and prepared to compromise when necessary. Then from October onwards you’ll be more independent, knowing it is your life and needs to be your choices.

SAGITTARIUS: Getting practical may not suit your adventurous spirit but with the April Eclipse in your chart area of work and fitness, you will need to get your feet on the floor, boost your stamina and prepare for heavier responsibilities or at least a rising pile of chores. The October Eclipse will be more hidden so in the months after you need to take the chance to reflect. Being inward looking for a while will allow you to put the past into perspective and to understand yourself better.

CAPRICORN: The time has come to shake up your social life and have more fun from a few months from April.  If you want more attention then you need to give it. Love, affection and compliments will come back to you if you sprinkle good feelings over loved ones and friends. Then from October you will be focusing on widening your circle of acquaintances, seeking new friends and sorting out long term plans. By that point you’ll know you can’t play away the day and let tomorrow take care of itself.

AQUARIUS: Home and family matters will take priority from April onwards for a few months as you’ll be keen to be rooted and secure, and keen to make whatever adjustments are necessary to establish a solid foundation for yourself and those close. Once you have that sorted then from October you’ll set your sights higher and embark on an ambitious few months. You’ll want to get your talents out on display and get the recognition you deserve. Be bold and it will happen.

PISCES: Managing your time well, improving your efficiency and communicating clearly won’t sound like a bundle of laughs but for six months from April you do need to streamline your everyday schedule. By ironing out wrinkles now you’ll save yourself problems later. Then from October onwards you’ll be keen to broaden your horizons, travel more or involve yourself in promoting your pet causes. You’ll be aiming high and spreading your enthusiasm around.

For charts see post: 16 April 2022.