

Saturn moves into Capricorn from December 2017 staying till December 2020. Traditionally this was associated with hardship and deprivation and it does affect the USA chart with its Venus Jupiter Sun in Cancer; and the UK, EU, Australia etc with Capricorn Suns.

In fact two of the major financial crashes – Wall Street 1929 and the October 1987 – occurred before Saturn got there and was in late Sagittarius (i.e similar to what’s around this coming year in 2017). The Great Depression kicked in from 1930 when tr Saturn in Capricorn was in opposition to Pluto and square Uranus. Both Saturn Pluto and Saturn Uranus have negative connotations for economic prosperity. The 1987 crash happened with a Saturn Uranus conjunction in late Sagittarius.

The last time Saturn was in Capricorn was January 1959 to the end of 1961. There had been a recession in 1958; and another one picking up in April 1960 lasting till February 1961. Then Saturn started in Capricorn on a quincunx to Uranus.

This next Saturn in Capricorn is in orb aspect to Pluto in 2019 but not exact until early 2020. Though the exact aspects are not necessarily involved in major shifts, and the effect of Saturn in Capricorn will have been there since late 2017.

Saturn will oppose the USA Venus Jupiter through 2018 and then oppose the Sun in 2019. In the UK/EU with 10 degree Capricorn Suns the exact Saturn conjunction will come late 2018 into 2019.

By early 2020 Jupiter has moved into Capricorn which will help.

The sum total is that a recession is almost inevitable, perhaps kicking in through this year though there are no hard Saturn aspects to Uranus, only a soft trine. It’ll be tough going through 2018/19 with glimmerings of light by 2020.

The last time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in Capricorn was in 1284 when Wales was incorporated into England; and the Pied Piper led children away in Hamelin (chuckle, lovely analogy). Venice coined the gold ducat, the standard of European coinage for the following six hundred years.