Heavenly Headlines


Starting the month on a Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 2nd added a note of anticipation not to say trepidation to proceedings. Eclipses hint at the need for change, to put a foot into the unknown in however small a way and challenge yourself to broaden your horizons in one area of life. Don’t get stuck in the past or in a familiar rut. Be bold and experiment.

 The Libra Sun until the 22nd will encourage a hunt for balance but will tend to swing from one opposite to the other in the search for middle ground. Mars in excitable Cancer all month will bring passion and vigour to discussions and Jupiter in Gemini will calm down the heat by sprinkling enthusiasm around. 

  Venus in seductive, possessive Scorpio till the 17th will heighten emotional yearnings  and then gives way to adventurous Sagittarius thereafter for a fun social life with lively friends.  

  But the secretive, determined Scorpio mood will linger with Mercury and the Sun moving through the intense water sign in the final days. Nothing will be taken lightly or without deep questioning.


2: New Moon – Solar Eclipse in Libra – new beginnings and a challenge to change. 

4: Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces – emotionally cool, charming and practical.

6: Mercury in Libra square Mars in Cancer – sharp, outspoken, argumentative.

8: Venus trine Mars – passionately enthusiastic.

Mercury trine Jupiter in Gemini – confident, positive thinking. 

9: Jupiter retrograde in Gemini until early February 2025 – subtle shift, favours inner values rather than outward success.

12: Pluto direct in Capricorn – not very noticeable but certain practical ambitions may move faster.

13: Mercury square Pluto – intense, deep thinking, negative, stubborn.

Mercury into Scorpio until November 2nd – secretive, determined, digging for deeper answers. 

14: Sun trine Jupiter – lucky, successful, confident.

Sun square Mars – go ahead, argumentative.

Venus opposition Uranus – emotionally excitable, changeable affections.

16: Venus trine Neptune in Pisces – kind, spiritual, creative, vague.

17: Full Moon in Aries – pulled in two directions

Venus sextile Pluto – seductive, persuasive, sociable.

Venus into Sagittarius until November 11th – mixing with the fun crowd, socially light hearted.

22: Mercury trine Saturn – serious chats, practical, good for planning

Sun square Pluto  – requires effort to overcome obstacles and push through delays.

Sun into Scorpio for four weeks – emotionally, intense, secretive, determined.

25: Mars sextile Uranus in Taurus – experimental, pro-active, dislikes interference.

28: Mars trine Neptune – can attract publicity and glamour or be undermining where practical plans are concerned.

Venus square Saturn – emotionally distanced, duty interferes with pleasure.

30: Mercury opposition Uranus – flashes of insight, outspoken, jump to conclusions. 


Jupiter in Gemini from May 25 2024 until June 2025 – good for conversations, curious, knowledgeable, thinks and talks easily, multi-tasking, tendency to go for breadth of understanding not dept, superficial. 

Saturn: In Pisces from March 8 2023 till September 2025 – a time to let the past go, push old regrets aside and be supportive to those in need.

Uranus: From March 2019 until July 2025 in Taurus – changing attitudes to handling of money, possessions and resources especially in agriculture and our attitude to nature. 

Neptune: In Pisces from February 2012 until April 2025 – religious, spiritual, has resonances with Muslim history.

Pluto: In Capricorn for sixteen years from Nov 2008 till 2024 = complete deconstruction and reconstruction of global economic and commercial structures and systems, as well as major changes in way in which governments work.  Pluto hovers on the cusp of Aquarius through 2023/24 and  has its final stretch in Capricorn September to late November 2024. Thereafter it stays in Aquarius until 2044 – in Aquarius changing outlooks and attitudes, intense discussions.