Rainforest fires – uncaring Brazilian government


Brazil’s rainforest is being burnt at an increasingly worrying rate, up 84% on last year, as the new Government under Jair Bolsonaro has made it clear their sympathies are with loggers rather than the indigenous groups who live in the forest. Farmers are clearing land for crop fields and cattle ranches because the new regime is keen to open up the region to economic activity. After an international outcry Bolsonaro ludicrously blamed NGOs for setting the fires.

He took over as President on 1 January 2019 at 4.50pm which puts Sun, Saturn, Pluto in the 8th suggesting dirty-dealings in secret as well as major financial problems. Plus a slippery and ineffectual Neptune in the 10th.

Born 21 March 1955,2.45pm Sao Paulo, Brazil, he’s a former Army officer, infamous for his racist, homophobic and misogynistic remarks and has a brutal and unbudgeable chart with Mars in Taurus opposition Saturn square Pluto opposition Moon Venus in Aquarius. He will be fairly impervious to pressure.   Though financial considerations may pull him back to some degree if international pressure keeps up.

See previous post January 2 2019.

7 thoughts on “Rainforest fires – uncaring Brazilian government

  1. A Facebook friend of mine here in Florida is having a birthday today. She’s an environmentalist (like myself) and she’s traveled all over the world. She chose the nonprofit organization “Earth Justice” as her birthday fundraiser. I donated money via Facebook and so have a few of our mutual friends.

    I know it isn’t much, but I feel like it’s better than doing nothing at all. Earth Justice has been addressing the current forest fires in the Amazon Rainforest and I’m hoping the money we donated today will go towards some form of resolution to this crisis.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.

  2. I do understand small farmers do not have access to education and thus lack the knowledge on preserving the fragile ecosystem. But Bolsonero’s most enthusiastic backers, ranchers with multinational financial interests should know better. Deforestation is ALREADY inpacting rain patterns in tropical region. This mean they won’t get lush, green pastures by cutting the trees off, but an arid, eroded landscape where nothing lives.

    • That doesn’t mean we should just give up on saving what’s left of the Amazon Rainforest. Our planet still depends on it for most of our oxygen.

      It’s not too late to save it. If people continue to pressure Brazil into taking action by boycotting their products, etc. It could force their idiot of a president to start caring more about the forest.

      • 20% of the earth’s oxygen, though it certainly doesn’t mean we can afford to lose it. At the same time that we should make concerted efforts at getting the Brazilian Trump to give a damn, we also need to preserve other oxygen sources and create new ones, like planting more trees, using less fossil fuel, greening every process possible.

  3. 2021 is when Bolsonaro hits big headwinds, when those fixed placements get affected by the tr. Saturn in Aquarius/Uranus in Taurus square. It’s going to be a rough time there and globally…especially February of that year.

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